Sunday, November 11, 2012

Worship Song of the Week: "Here I Am to Worship" by Chris Tomlin

Once again my conversation with the gentleman in the laundromat is the catalyst for my post. Another problem he had with the "church" is that it sometimes serves as a place where people are abused and broken down rather built up.

I countered that argument by stating that sometimes we don't go into the house of God seeking God but with our own devilish intentions and motivations and sometimes you get exactly what you are looking for. 

We should be going there to seek God instead many of us go there in search of a man/woman, money,  and various other material goods. Then act surprised whne we find ourselves just as barren, broken, and lonely as we were the moment we walked through the door. That type of search only leads to sorrow and more emptiness but when we seek to worship God in spirit and in truth he certainly meets us there. 

First, we must admit our willingness to worship by declaring, "Here I Am"

This week as you go forth even if it is just to the store sing this song to God and see if there is anything that can stop him from reaching you. And should the Lord bless that you have the opportunity to attend church whether it be through bible study, missionary meeting, or prayer sing this song to him while you are there for he is worthy despite what men say and despite the evil that that they use his name to say and do. 

"Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy." Psalm 99:5

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