Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Prayer

"Lo, children are the heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. " Psalm 127:3

God is good; blessed be the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ! Today is Mother's Day. A day set aside to celebrate mother's, the vehicle in which the Lord has chosen to bring us into the world. As we honor man let us remember to honor the Lord.

The psalmist tells us that children are the heritage of the Lord and his reward. He has entrusted, us mothers, with these very special beings with the sincere desire that we would raise them up in the way of the cross. What a noble, honorable, and special charge the Lord has bestowed upon us women. On this day here at The Carpenter's House we would like to pray for your strength in the Lord and honor Him.

As you read this prayer accept the words for you and think of the mothers that you-say this prayer for them as well:

Father God, in the precious name of Jesus, I come before your presence with thanksgiving. Thanking you for bringing us out and bringing us through, thanking you for that special job called motherhood in which you have anointed and appointed us to do.

Lord, I thank you for my mother. I thank you for using her to bring me into this world.

Lord, I pray that you would make manifest the reason in which you placed me in her care and I pray that you would provide me with the wisdom to use it as a testimony unto your honor and glory.

Lord, I pray that you would continue to bless every mother with the strength necessary to perform the work you have entrusted them to perform. Bless them with the courage and conviction to raise their children, your children up in the word. Bless them Lord with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

Lord, I pray that you let your peace rest upon them and cause them to dwell in safety forever trusting in you. That they and their seed may live abundantly upon this land.

Lord, I pray for those mothers that know not the joy of your salvation. I pray that you would not turn your face away from them, instead, please let your mercy and grace abound unto the salvation of their souls.

Lord, I thank you for every mother whether good or bad, for you see the end of thing and hath the power to use any situation unto your honor and glory.
 Lord, I pray that it begins with me and with my family. Raise up a standard in which the enemy cannot penetrate. Use every mother in this family as servants and ministers of the mighty gospel of Jesus Christ, in the precious name of Jesus.

Let the church say, AMEN!!


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