Praise ye the Lord and bless His holy name! God is good and He is good all the time. It's been awhile since I posted something for Testimony Tuesdays. What I envisioned happening in this series hasn't been happening and I slacked off from posting in this section.
In II Corinthains 12:1-10 Paul gives his testimony of how he received a divine revelation but to keep him in check he also received a thorn in his side. He sought the Lord in prayer three times for this thing to be removed and the Lord responded, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." Paul learned not to glory in himself but to glory in God even in his infirmities. You might say this isn't an infirmity but let me ask you this: when things don't go your way doesn't it make you sick? (To thine ownself be true) The truth is it makes me sick.
I had planned on this section being a meeting place for Chrsitians to celebrate the goodness of God and inspire each other through the sharing of their testimonies. That hasn't quite happened, but I shouldn't be seeking my own glory; I shouldn't be reveling in my works alone, but the work that God has done. Maybe my plan hasn't come to fruition, so that I wouldn't get a big head or glory in what I have done but what the Lord has done. Pride is a dangerous thing and the Lord resisteth the proud but gives grace to the humble, James 4:6. And I don't want him to resist me. I want to be pleasing in his sight, Not glorying in my own strength is a lesson I had to learn, just as Paul had to learn, and we all have to learn how to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God that we may be exalted in due season, I Peter 5:6.
But the glory is not mine, my success is not mine, the success of this series or this blog is not mine, but God's. When I don't get the results I want out of life, or the success that I seek, his grace is enough to brag about.
This Tuesday, my testimony is this: To the only wise God, Jesus Christ, be the glory, honor, power, and dominion, for the things which he has done, is doing, and will do for His grace is sufficient for me.
Let the church say, AMEN!
Just as his grace is sufficient, YOUR testimony is sufficient! I believe he is doing a greater work in you that will afford greater testimonies to come forth. Keep writing, keep praising and be blessed :)